Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do different places have different energy ?

I mean, just going to a different place changes your mindset. Different kinds of feelings arise at different places. You feel different at a school, at an airport, in a church or at a hotel or any particular building etc. And it is true about different cities and different countries as well. You are not the same person when you live in any other city or country for a while. Do you feel the same way and do you think every place has its own energy? Does the energy of a place is determined by what kind of people were occupying it?

How can we make use of this knowledge eg to soothe our mind etc?
Do different places have different energy ?
I think its the heat that gets to u!
Do different places have different energy ?
It is true, you are right.
Reply:Check out %26#039;ley lines%26#039; ~ interesting.
Reply:Every place has its own energy not permanent but ever shifting..or lets say earth is covered with one energy field which creates infinity number of shifting different vibrations on a surface of a planet...and if consider minds of people as a part of that field then you are perceive differences...

but this is not an ultimate position related to our existence on a planet...that energy field making Earth vibrant , alive... depend of whom you are identifying yourself to would embrace much more bigger picture...Are you your mind, are you your flesh, are you a Consciousness itself.?.If you are, Consciousness then eventually you%26#039;ll merge with a field which makes earth alive...I suspect that mentioned energy field is conscious on much higher level than we are currently may comprehend..perhaps Consciousness itself, or a Spirit we are sometimes debating not dismissed a presence of people in that field..Their presence directly affect atmosphere in airport with their general direct mood..Airport...people concern with approaching relocation it setting a different kind of vibes...quite relaxing ones...why ? They are in different state of mind, or flying away or meeting loved ones both states does not represent their presence...You are as a observer enjoying to see living harmlessness..That is why it is so fun...
Reply:Yes, It is very true. We perceive these energies directly to our senses.

Try to find out what soothes us better. So insights can be brighter instead of feeling isolation or indifference with the atmosphere one is currently present.

Adaptation through ways and manners will help remove some barriers too.

There is a saying that goes relevant to your topic, It goes as %26#039;When in Rome, Do what the Romans do%26#039;. This is really effective applying anywhere or everywhere you are..

As to get along with the energy flow of your present situation..

Yet, to get back with your real identity, or with your very own energy. To try be oneself is also learning how to combine these things applying your very own unique way of life and character.

Give time and space for oneself to keep grounded.

It is also the quality of one%26#039;s own mind to set up a new range of world that can be useful for self development. To learn from each kind of adjustment to each existing energy flow.
Reply:Yes, its true. Anyone with minimum intelligence can experience it. Do we not automatically fall silent or start speaking in low-voice on entering a hospital or a religious place? A noisy party changes your mood just like that and music urges you to move....

People inhabiting a place are the main contributors to the energy. Bombay e.g. is more competitive/in-your-face type than the laid-back Delhi. Here you have to be on your toes all the time. More opportunities for the ambitious, if you can withstand the (accompanying) pressures. But then there are people you love, who give a unique charm/energy to a place and make it special...even if it happens to be a desert or a hell...

Making use of this knowledge to your advantage is entirely up to you. If you feel losing yourself in a pub/bar is better suited to your mindset than the quiet serene atmosphere of a church/Gurdwara/temple, then go there to find your peace!

Making a %26#039;connection%26#039; can change the entire scene.

What are six (or so) great ideas to you?

Mortimer Adler%26#039;s are:







I think all those are excellent, but I can see the potential for others. I%26#039;ll add mine later, but I want to hear yours.
What are six (or so) great ideas to you?
the 7 deadly sins
What are six (or so) great ideas to you?





Reply:Soft toilet paper

false teeth

easy excess out of the country

fake beards

false id%26#039;s

plastic surgeons





Reply:Plato%26#039;s academy

Aristotle%26#039;s categories

The four noble truths of Buddhism

The good Samaritan

The Copernicus universe

Reply:1. going on a 2 week cruise to Italy, Spain, and Greece

2. staying marred till one spouse dies

3. all babies are cuddly.

4. getting a college degree at any age is totally worth it.

5. vote... it%26#039;s your duty to help move the world.

6. be kind whenever you can.
Reply:TV on DVD (and TiVo... the end of all commercials freaking brilliant)

But seriously to me the best ideas transcend thought all together... actually they boggle the mind such that all thought stops so that the whole of reality... the whole of what is can pour into you uninterrupted by thinking and suddenly you have the opportunity to experience everything directly without mental commentary or concepts... all you get is the vastness of what is. Like

The utter infinite indescribable vastness of the universe

Really great orgasms

brand new babies. All of them. If you think about it for more than a few seconds the existence of tiny little lives in tiny little bodies that didn%26#039;t exist just weeks ago (or months depending on your perspective) is really beyond words. How is that possible... and yet...

Death,... not the concept so much as the experience. The difference between being alive and being dead when you think about it is so subtle,... so fragile,... it%26#039;s mind stopping.

Two more... um

Standing on an ocean beach at sunset... At the other shore of the vast body of water... people are in the middle of their work day... or deep in sleep... suddenly I feel very tiny and peaceful.

Those moments when you%26#039;re listening to someone talk and the profound reality of this person%26#039;s humanity hits you like a brick. This person was born, grew up, has wounds, has unique internal fears and joys and experiences, is talking to you, will go home, eat dinner, go to bed, have children, grow old, bury their spouse and die someday. Those are magical moments.





Reply:1. Love what you do

2. Don%26#039;t ignore your family, friends

3.Celebrate life

4. Do not believe everything you think.

5. Everything in moderation

6. Question reality

7. Indulge your fantasies

When will it happen?

anytime about now
When will it happen?
%26quot;I Got Stoned, %26amp; I Missed It%26quot;, is youre only excuse
When will it happen?
As soon as I decide to let it.
Reply:October 7, 2009. Big tsunami at 7:10 am.
Reply:I have peanut butter on my tie.
Reply:any time if you are over exited and there is no restroom around.
Reply:Wake up! it%26#039;s happening right now...anything else is just in your head.
Reply:Fungus tastes good with mint in the aardvark

Is this the answer?

The world, the west, and the country at large is pretty messed up. But is the way to fix it, or at the very least send a message, hidden in these words. Can the people still stand united? Can the people regain their power and fortune? Do the people even care? And whether they do or don%26#039;t can this be a way to encourage both?

Will you participate? Will you hear the call? Will you stand with your people for your country?
Is this the answer?
Is that guy you?
Is this the answer?
First off it won%26#039;t work and everybody won%26#039;t do it. It%26#039;s like asking everyone in the world to sign a paper on the internet, sure it%26#039;s easy (taking the day off of work is easy, right?) but even if it is easy everyone won%26#039;t do it.

I hate saying that however because I feel that if you do judge a plan like this by saying that noone will do it then you have already lost. Like saying, %26quot;I won%26#039;t make the shot anyway, and my team won%26#039;t score points anyway, so what%26#039;s the point in playing%26quot; The point in playing the game is that theres always that chance, and sometimes it just takes one person to stand up for the rest to follow, but if everyone thinks, %26quot;Noone will do it,%26quot; then where is that one person to stand up?

Anyway I already said before, LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE! Everyone can%26#039;t take the day off! Think of this: Sure there are cashiers, and burger flippers, and all those other jobs, but your missing the REALLY IMPORTANT ONES.

Firefighters! If, on this day off, there is a fire... who will put it out if the firefighters all take the day off?

Policemen! I don%26#039;t think that criminals, already dishonorable, will not take this wonderful oppoptunity with no cops and no other resistance, to stop looting, or killing.

AND THE ALL IMPORTANT DOCTORS! Let%26#039;s see....... well I hope your smart enough to figure this one out but if not here goes. If all the doctors and nurses and etc, take the day off what about the sick and dying? Are they also going to take a day off from being.... sick and dying!?

I get the feeling you didn%26#039;t look at the big picture. Besides once the government realizes this was only a one day thing they%26#039;re just gonna say, %26quot;Okay... and your point? Now get back to work!%26quot;

Unless you plan on taking a lot more days off, like a wekk or a month.... and then can you imagine what would happen? Where would we get food? Power plants without workers?! No power! Fridges would stop working, food would rot. We would either be forced to loot shops for non-perishable food or foraging from the wild....

What your plan is, is... well probably what a common term would call %26quot;madness, insanity,%26quot;

To me, it%26#039;s not well thought through, and you didn%26#039;t look at the big picture. Fix it, and I%26#039;ll get back to you. :)
Reply:United is a concept that lack any real meaning. People tend to unite around shared beliefs, shared values and shared goals. I wouldn%26#039;t unite with someone who didn%26#039;t share my values.

So no, I won%26#039;t unite just for the sake of a concept of %26quot;unity%26quot;.

Are love and misery considered an emotions?

Yes, very strong emotions. You feel love and misery. Emotions are what you feel emotionally.
Are love and misery considered an emotions?
of course they are.anything that you FEEL, is an emotion.
Are love and misery considered an emotions?
No, it is states of being in which you are time to time..emotions is a by product of being in that states...It produce pleasure or pain...both represents a stress and emotions is getting out, reducing level of stress sometimes significantly..I would assume that emotions would be considered to be a mechanism of a healing if they are not directed toward particular target, otherwise it creates more stress and there is guessing that stress is a beginning of all illnesses...There is no such a thing as good and bad stress..It is Stresssssssssassss
Reply:yes though I think they should be broken up into their constitutent emotions to avoid confusion.

You are confused.

Love is a divine emotion.

But misery is the RESULT of negative emotions like hatred,prejudice,Avarice etc.

Observe the difference and be positive.The miseries disappear gradually.

God bless you,

What is the most important thing you need to succeed in life?

A large inheritance.
What is the most important thing you need to succeed in life?
What is the most important thing you need to succeed in life?
be patient all the time and don%26#039;t make your failure the end...

be optimist.
Reply:self respect
Reply:Faith in yourself.
Reply:Be humble no matter what your position in life is.
Reply:My families support and a truckload of money would be nice aswell.
Reply:A clear indication of what you mean by success. Or, a measure of success.

If you are alive at this moment, you are succeeding at life.

Eventually, we all die and then we are no longer successful at life.

Success is an odd concept. Do we measure the success of other animals? How do we do so? Do we measure the success of a cockroach by how many cars it owns? Do we measure the success of a squirrel by how many nuts it collects and banks? Do we measure the success of a camel by how many others camels know it for its accomplishments?

We are an odd species.

Do you think it's possible . . .?

To obtain the ability to fly (without aid), if we can tap into the parts of our brain we don%26#039;t use? Kind of like in the movie %26quot;Phenomenon%26quot; with John Travolta!
Do you think it%26#039;s possible . . .?
Do you think it%26#039;s possible . . .?
i doubt it unless ur a witch cause yeah that would be pretty much cool
Reply:who know. apparently we use only like 5% of our brain. einstein used like 9%. who knows what the human mind is capable of. it is truly hard to imagine!
Reply:no. not unless we mutate and grow wings and all sorts of weird stuff....but then yeah thats really far fetched. i wouldnt try to fly anytime soon.
Reply:Nah we are not airodynamic but like maybe moving objects with our mind or seeing dead people etc could be possible.
Reply:If we evolve more. Or rather if we can cause our bodies to change through genetic manipulation. At our current state, no matter what we think, we do not have the correct specifications to beat the laws of physics and gravity.
Reply:No. Our bodies were not built to fly. Can you jump off a roof and flap your arms and fly, or levitate? Do you think that if we were designed or had the ability, someone somewhere would have discovered it by now?
Reply:Yes and No.

Flying isn%26#039;t a mind over matter issue. Flying requires the ability to utilize something like wings that works in conjunction with the air waves. Ultimately, flying involves working with the concept of gravity.

All things within our body appear to be affected by gravity.

Flying is possible in space where we are unaffected, or very remotely affected by gravity.

Our bodies aren%26#039;t adapted for flight. Our bones are too dense making us more affected by gravity. As well, our lungs are capable to dealing with higher altitudes.

That doesn%26#039;t mean that we couldn%26#039;t evolve in that direction. Since we are purported to have similar DNA structures to animals that do have the physiology for flight.
Reply:Who knows what abilities lie in all that gray matter we don%26#039;t use?

Many laws of physics aren%26#039;t holding up against new discoveries at the quantum level.

Our ability to understand the %26quot;laws%26quot; of physics is limited by many things. The environment in which they are observed, the circumstances under which they are observed and the equipment with which we observe them. Just to name a few. But the biggest obstacle to understanding even our most immediate environment, in my opinion, is the very structure and function of our eyes, ears, nose etc.. We assume things are as most people sense them and that everyone senses the same things and that effects our choices. Not only our choices as they pertain to WHAT we look at and for, but also HOW we look at and for it.

There are hyper-sensitive people who hear, see, smell, taste and feel things around them that normal people can%26#039;t and it has nothing to do with the %26quot;paranormal%26quot; or being psychic. Such people are too small in number to have much effect on accepted scientific %26quot;knowledge%26quot;.
Reply:were bounded by laws, like the laws of physics and gravity for example, its not that simple. i doubt you can fly w/o evolving wings of some sort.

but ultimately, anything is possible, but not likely to happen
Reply:Anything is possible, if we put our mind to it.....
Reply:Well some people are into Astral Travelling so who knows!
Reply:I%26#039;d rather use my mind to build a spaceship rather than to fly, because it%26#039;s much easier and not a waste of time.
Reply:Hmmmm, I%26#039;ve read somewhere that the common bumblebee is not built aerodynamically correct and should not be able to fly. But no one told the bee, so he flies anyway.

I believe we could tap into our brains to come up with ideas about how to fly without aid, I don%26#039;t think it would be possible to actually do it though. We are bound by the laws of physics and gravity. Man has been trying to figure out how to fly unaided for centuries and hasn%26#039;t achieved it yet.

I personally would LOVE to be able to fly like a bird, but since I have no wings I%26#039;m afraid I%26#039;m going to remain earthbound.

Not to mention, it%26#039;s hard to soar with eagles when you%26#039;re surrounded by turkeys!!! lol