Thursday, March 26, 2009

Life without technology?

what do you personnaly think about technology and how the human race evolves . where do you think we would be without technology and what is the mast important piece of technology. i want well thought out answers please
Life without technology?
I think the technology completes our life because it makes our work simplier, easier, faster and many good words in the dictionary. If their is no technology, I can%26#039;t answer this question and you can%26#039;t ask us.
Life without technology?
Without technology we would be disconnected to those furthest from us physically, but more connected to the closest to us physically.
Reply:I lived nearly a year in a cave in one of the most desolate high desert places on Earth without any technology at all except a loincloth. (Had to have that. The local ranchers would shoot a %26#039;wild man%26#039; running naked through those hills, which were like giant piles of massive boulders.)

I did not even use fire, for fire is a technology, eating everything I could catch with my hands or dig up raw.

I didn%26#039;t really think much about technology. I was trying to find out what people might have thought about back before any technology. And I learned that people never survived in the wild alone. This is still true, and it taught me to value people, all people, above all else.

The most important technology, I think, was indeed fire. It was also the most dangerous of all natural forces we tamed. The tiniest flame can grow to burn a million acres, killing everything on that land.

A fire, properly taken care of, is light, warmth on cold nights, and protection from things that might eat us. You never realize how totally important fire was until you live a long time without it. It has to be the source of the myths of magic, for nothing Natural is as magical. ...or demonic either.

Fire has some part in the production of almost every technology that followed, from the making of DVD disks to the flame that carries the Astronauts into space. It is used to harden wood for furniture, it dried food for the winter, it is used to make fuels for every kind of motor, and I can%26#039;t think of anything that is so important to our lives.

Now, however, I think that in modern times the digital revolution is the modern equivalent of fire. But it took fire to create that.
Reply:Technology started when we first started using simple tools. Without technology we would still be running around grazing and gathering plants to eat in wilderness. We could not hunt, trap or farm.
Reply:Technology is part of what makes us human in the first place. There was never a time in human history that we didn%26#039;t have it, although it started off as just simple tools and gradually evolved into more complex devices.

Even some of our ape cousins, such as chimpanzees, can fashion and use simple tools out of sticks and things.

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