Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do different places have different energy ?

I mean, just going to a different place changes your mindset. Different kinds of feelings arise at different places. You feel different at a school, at an airport, in a church or at a hotel or any particular building etc. And it is true about different cities and different countries as well. You are not the same person when you live in any other city or country for a while. Do you feel the same way and do you think every place has its own energy? Does the energy of a place is determined by what kind of people were occupying it?

How can we make use of this knowledge eg to soothe our mind etc?
Do different places have different energy ?
I think its the heat that gets to u!
Do different places have different energy ?
It is true, you are right.
Reply:Check out %26#039;ley lines%26#039; ~ interesting.
Reply:Every place has its own energy not permanent but ever shifting..or lets say earth is covered with one energy field which creates infinity number of shifting different vibrations on a surface of a planet...and if consider minds of people as a part of that field then you are perceive differences...

but this is not an ultimate position related to our existence on a planet...that energy field making Earth vibrant , alive... depend of whom you are identifying yourself to would embrace much more bigger picture...Are you your mind, are you your flesh, are you a Consciousness itself.?.If you are, Consciousness then eventually you%26#039;ll merge with a field which makes earth alive...I suspect that mentioned energy field is conscious on much higher level than we are currently may comprehend..perhaps Consciousness itself, or a Spirit we are sometimes debating not dismissed a presence of people in that field..Their presence directly affect atmosphere in airport with their general direct mood..Airport...people concern with approaching relocation it setting a different kind of vibes...quite relaxing ones...why ? They are in different state of mind, or flying away or meeting loved ones both states does not represent their presence...You are as a observer enjoying to see living harmlessness..That is why it is so fun...
Reply:Yes, It is very true. We perceive these energies directly to our senses.

Try to find out what soothes us better. So insights can be brighter instead of feeling isolation or indifference with the atmosphere one is currently present.

Adaptation through ways and manners will help remove some barriers too.

There is a saying that goes relevant to your topic, It goes as %26#039;When in Rome, Do what the Romans do%26#039;. This is really effective applying anywhere or everywhere you are..

As to get along with the energy flow of your present situation..

Yet, to get back with your real identity, or with your very own energy. To try be oneself is also learning how to combine these things applying your very own unique way of life and character.

Give time and space for oneself to keep grounded.

It is also the quality of one%26#039;s own mind to set up a new range of world that can be useful for self development. To learn from each kind of adjustment to each existing energy flow.
Reply:Yes, its true. Anyone with minimum intelligence can experience it. Do we not automatically fall silent or start speaking in low-voice on entering a hospital or a religious place? A noisy party changes your mood just like that and music urges you to move....

People inhabiting a place are the main contributors to the energy. Bombay e.g. is more competitive/in-your-face type than the laid-back Delhi. Here you have to be on your toes all the time. More opportunities for the ambitious, if you can withstand the (accompanying) pressures. But then there are people you love, who give a unique charm/energy to a place and make it special...even if it happens to be a desert or a hell...

Making use of this knowledge to your advantage is entirely up to you. If you feel losing yourself in a pub/bar is better suited to your mindset than the quiet serene atmosphere of a church/Gurdwara/temple, then go there to find your peace!

Making a %26#039;connection%26#039; can change the entire scene.

What are six (or so) great ideas to you?

Mortimer Adler%26#039;s are:







I think all those are excellent, but I can see the potential for others. I%26#039;ll add mine later, but I want to hear yours.
What are six (or so) great ideas to you?
the 7 deadly sins
What are six (or so) great ideas to you?





Reply:Soft toilet paper

false teeth

easy excess out of the country

fake beards

false id%26#039;s

plastic surgeons





Reply:Plato%26#039;s academy

Aristotle%26#039;s categories

The four noble truths of Buddhism

The good Samaritan

The Copernicus universe

Reply:1. going on a 2 week cruise to Italy, Spain, and Greece

2. staying marred till one spouse dies

3. all babies are cuddly.

4. getting a college degree at any age is totally worth it.

5. vote... it%26#039;s your duty to help move the world.

6. be kind whenever you can.
Reply:TV on DVD (and TiVo... the end of all commercials freaking brilliant)

But seriously to me the best ideas transcend thought all together... actually they boggle the mind such that all thought stops so that the whole of reality... the whole of what is can pour into you uninterrupted by thinking and suddenly you have the opportunity to experience everything directly without mental commentary or concepts... all you get is the vastness of what is. Like

The utter infinite indescribable vastness of the universe

Really great orgasms

brand new babies. All of them. If you think about it for more than a few seconds the existence of tiny little lives in tiny little bodies that didn%26#039;t exist just weeks ago (or months depending on your perspective) is really beyond words. How is that possible... and yet...

Death,... not the concept so much as the experience. The difference between being alive and being dead when you think about it is so subtle,... so fragile,... it%26#039;s mind stopping.

Two more... um

Standing on an ocean beach at sunset... At the other shore of the vast body of water... people are in the middle of their work day... or deep in sleep... suddenly I feel very tiny and peaceful.

Those moments when you%26#039;re listening to someone talk and the profound reality of this person%26#039;s humanity hits you like a brick. This person was born, grew up, has wounds, has unique internal fears and joys and experiences, is talking to you, will go home, eat dinner, go to bed, have children, grow old, bury their spouse and die someday. Those are magical moments.





Reply:1. Love what you do

2. Don%26#039;t ignore your family, friends

3.Celebrate life

4. Do not believe everything you think.

5. Everything in moderation

6. Question reality

7. Indulge your fantasies

When will it happen?

anytime about now
When will it happen?
%26quot;I Got Stoned, %26amp; I Missed It%26quot;, is youre only excuse
When will it happen?
As soon as I decide to let it.
Reply:October 7, 2009. Big tsunami at 7:10 am.
Reply:I have peanut butter on my tie.
Reply:any time if you are over exited and there is no restroom around.
Reply:Wake up! it%26#039;s happening right now...anything else is just in your head.
Reply:Fungus tastes good with mint in the aardvark

Is this the answer?

The world, the west, and the country at large is pretty messed up. But is the way to fix it, or at the very least send a message, hidden in these words. Can the people still stand united? Can the people regain their power and fortune? Do the people even care? And whether they do or don%26#039;t can this be a way to encourage both?

Will you participate? Will you hear the call? Will you stand with your people for your country?
Is this the answer?
Is that guy you?
Is this the answer?
First off it won%26#039;t work and everybody won%26#039;t do it. It%26#039;s like asking everyone in the world to sign a paper on the internet, sure it%26#039;s easy (taking the day off of work is easy, right?) but even if it is easy everyone won%26#039;t do it.

I hate saying that however because I feel that if you do judge a plan like this by saying that noone will do it then you have already lost. Like saying, %26quot;I won%26#039;t make the shot anyway, and my team won%26#039;t score points anyway, so what%26#039;s the point in playing%26quot; The point in playing the game is that theres always that chance, and sometimes it just takes one person to stand up for the rest to follow, but if everyone thinks, %26quot;Noone will do it,%26quot; then where is that one person to stand up?

Anyway I already said before, LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE! Everyone can%26#039;t take the day off! Think of this: Sure there are cashiers, and burger flippers, and all those other jobs, but your missing the REALLY IMPORTANT ONES.

Firefighters! If, on this day off, there is a fire... who will put it out if the firefighters all take the day off?

Policemen! I don%26#039;t think that criminals, already dishonorable, will not take this wonderful oppoptunity with no cops and no other resistance, to stop looting, or killing.

AND THE ALL IMPORTANT DOCTORS! Let%26#039;s see....... well I hope your smart enough to figure this one out but if not here goes. If all the doctors and nurses and etc, take the day off what about the sick and dying? Are they also going to take a day off from being.... sick and dying!?

I get the feeling you didn%26#039;t look at the big picture. Besides once the government realizes this was only a one day thing they%26#039;re just gonna say, %26quot;Okay... and your point? Now get back to work!%26quot;

Unless you plan on taking a lot more days off, like a wekk or a month.... and then can you imagine what would happen? Where would we get food? Power plants without workers?! No power! Fridges would stop working, food would rot. We would either be forced to loot shops for non-perishable food or foraging from the wild....

What your plan is, is... well probably what a common term would call %26quot;madness, insanity,%26quot;

To me, it%26#039;s not well thought through, and you didn%26#039;t look at the big picture. Fix it, and I%26#039;ll get back to you. :)
Reply:United is a concept that lack any real meaning. People tend to unite around shared beliefs, shared values and shared goals. I wouldn%26#039;t unite with someone who didn%26#039;t share my values.

So no, I won%26#039;t unite just for the sake of a concept of %26quot;unity%26quot;.

Are love and misery considered an emotions?

Yes, very strong emotions. You feel love and misery. Emotions are what you feel emotionally.
Are love and misery considered an emotions?
of course they are.anything that you FEEL, is an emotion.
Are love and misery considered an emotions?
No, it is states of being in which you are time to time..emotions is a by product of being in that states...It produce pleasure or pain...both represents a stress and emotions is getting out, reducing level of stress sometimes significantly..I would assume that emotions would be considered to be a mechanism of a healing if they are not directed toward particular target, otherwise it creates more stress and there is guessing that stress is a beginning of all illnesses...There is no such a thing as good and bad stress..It is Stresssssssssassss
Reply:yes though I think they should be broken up into their constitutent emotions to avoid confusion.

You are confused.

Love is a divine emotion.

But misery is the RESULT of negative emotions like hatred,prejudice,Avarice etc.

Observe the difference and be positive.The miseries disappear gradually.

God bless you,

What is the most important thing you need to succeed in life?

A large inheritance.
What is the most important thing you need to succeed in life?
What is the most important thing you need to succeed in life?
be patient all the time and don%26#039;t make your failure the end...

be optimist.
Reply:self respect
Reply:Faith in yourself.
Reply:Be humble no matter what your position in life is.
Reply:My families support and a truckload of money would be nice aswell.
Reply:A clear indication of what you mean by success. Or, a measure of success.

If you are alive at this moment, you are succeeding at life.

Eventually, we all die and then we are no longer successful at life.

Success is an odd concept. Do we measure the success of other animals? How do we do so? Do we measure the success of a cockroach by how many cars it owns? Do we measure the success of a squirrel by how many nuts it collects and banks? Do we measure the success of a camel by how many others camels know it for its accomplishments?

We are an odd species.

Do you think it's possible . . .?

To obtain the ability to fly (without aid), if we can tap into the parts of our brain we don%26#039;t use? Kind of like in the movie %26quot;Phenomenon%26quot; with John Travolta!
Do you think it%26#039;s possible . . .?
Do you think it%26#039;s possible . . .?
i doubt it unless ur a witch cause yeah that would be pretty much cool
Reply:who know. apparently we use only like 5% of our brain. einstein used like 9%. who knows what the human mind is capable of. it is truly hard to imagine!
Reply:no. not unless we mutate and grow wings and all sorts of weird stuff....but then yeah thats really far fetched. i wouldnt try to fly anytime soon.
Reply:Nah we are not airodynamic but like maybe moving objects with our mind or seeing dead people etc could be possible.
Reply:If we evolve more. Or rather if we can cause our bodies to change through genetic manipulation. At our current state, no matter what we think, we do not have the correct specifications to beat the laws of physics and gravity.
Reply:No. Our bodies were not built to fly. Can you jump off a roof and flap your arms and fly, or levitate? Do you think that if we were designed or had the ability, someone somewhere would have discovered it by now?
Reply:Yes and No.

Flying isn%26#039;t a mind over matter issue. Flying requires the ability to utilize something like wings that works in conjunction with the air waves. Ultimately, flying involves working with the concept of gravity.

All things within our body appear to be affected by gravity.

Flying is possible in space where we are unaffected, or very remotely affected by gravity.

Our bodies aren%26#039;t adapted for flight. Our bones are too dense making us more affected by gravity. As well, our lungs are capable to dealing with higher altitudes.

That doesn%26#039;t mean that we couldn%26#039;t evolve in that direction. Since we are purported to have similar DNA structures to animals that do have the physiology for flight.
Reply:Who knows what abilities lie in all that gray matter we don%26#039;t use?

Many laws of physics aren%26#039;t holding up against new discoveries at the quantum level.

Our ability to understand the %26quot;laws%26quot; of physics is limited by many things. The environment in which they are observed, the circumstances under which they are observed and the equipment with which we observe them. Just to name a few. But the biggest obstacle to understanding even our most immediate environment, in my opinion, is the very structure and function of our eyes, ears, nose etc.. We assume things are as most people sense them and that everyone senses the same things and that effects our choices. Not only our choices as they pertain to WHAT we look at and for, but also HOW we look at and for it.

There are hyper-sensitive people who hear, see, smell, taste and feel things around them that normal people can%26#039;t and it has nothing to do with the %26quot;paranormal%26quot; or being psychic. Such people are too small in number to have much effect on accepted scientific %26quot;knowledge%26quot;.
Reply:were bounded by laws, like the laws of physics and gravity for example, its not that simple. i doubt you can fly w/o evolving wings of some sort.

but ultimately, anything is possible, but not likely to happen
Reply:Anything is possible, if we put our mind to it.....
Reply:Well some people are into Astral Travelling so who knows!
Reply:I%26#039;d rather use my mind to build a spaceship rather than to fly, because it%26#039;s much easier and not a waste of time.
Reply:Hmmmm, I%26#039;ve read somewhere that the common bumblebee is not built aerodynamically correct and should not be able to fly. But no one told the bee, so he flies anyway.

I believe we could tap into our brains to come up with ideas about how to fly without aid, I don%26#039;t think it would be possible to actually do it though. We are bound by the laws of physics and gravity. Man has been trying to figure out how to fly unaided for centuries and hasn%26#039;t achieved it yet.

I personally would LOVE to be able to fly like a bird, but since I have no wings I%26#039;m afraid I%26#039;m going to remain earthbound.

Not to mention, it%26#039;s hard to soar with eagles when you%26#039;re surrounded by turkeys!!! lol

What is your worth if not in money....?

In how your uplift/encourage others or give of yourself.
What is your worth if not in money....?
Time and Souls. if you wish me to elaborate email me.
What is your worth if not in money....?
Worth can also refer to value or merit.

A person of worth can be a person of value to you -- money is only one way in which someone can be of value to you.

And then some internalize this to mean that if they don%26#039;t have money that they are worthless. A logically flawed conclusion.
Reply:It is how others see you. What makes others want to know you.
Reply:Assigning a worth to life is impossible unless you know what you want to measure. Even then, so many things are subjective.

The existence of human beings either means nothing or everything. (But I%26#039;m pretty sure it means nothing in the scheme of things.)
Reply:Nobility virtues
Reply:I help people improve their lives with my Buddhist practice and teaching. My sculptures give joy, my job is to make sure children are safe in the schools I inspect, my poetry has gladdened many hearts and my wife is developing her radiant goodness with a little help from me.
Reply:What would I do with the money if I sold myself into slavery?

My worth is in the fact that I have the power to decide for myself what my worth is to both myself and to others.

My worth is that I have a free, slightly clever, and rational human mind that can achieve a great deal even when place against dire circumstance that it will see its way to survival and learn from the expereince that it may grow as an individual.

Money has nothing to do with it....

Why are the so many 2012 doomsday theories ?

cause ppl dont know wat to say in order to make a intreasting statment in which the people of the world will be astonished so they make theories up of a time that hasnt come yet

a man could obviously say you%26#039;ll be rich in 2010 cause the time hasnt come yet and he doesnt look like a fool.

and wat do you know it may be true..

so people go and say ya know wat 2012 hasnt come yet so why not make a couple theories to make the world a little intreasting so they say ya know wat in 2012 it will be doomsday and there will no longer be life or crap like that

ppl just wanna make a conversation
Why are the so many 2012 doomsday theories ?
namy theories about the end of the world come from the Mayas and their work in astronomy. they predicted that the world was gonna end in 2012 since that was the year their calendar ended.....
Why are the so many 2012 doomsday theories ?
Misery likes company?
Reply:Some people just like to scare the crap out of themselves.
Reply:because it sounds good.... rolls off the tongue nicely
Reply:The Mayans were a civilization whose advancements in astronomy were ridiculously outstanding for their time. We%26#039;re talking about, approximately 7,000 years ago. Their calender, for example, was one of the most accurate ever. But, for some reason, their calender went all the way to the year 2012 (December 12, 2012 - to be exact), and ended there. For such a mythical track record in astronomy, a lot of people feel like they know something we don%26#039;t about the universe, and that their prediction will come true.

Is it better to regret something you have done then something you haven't done?

I%26#039;m forever speaking my mind and thinking later that was a bit much but I%26#039;m glad I said it . Life%26#039;s too short to let things build up and people walk all over you so I say my piece even though I%26#039;ve lost people along the way. At least you can keep your self respect. Like telling your boss he%26#039;s a plonker and walking out, a mate who you let know he%26#039;s bang out of order etc.

(If anybody is thinking where the quote came from, both The Butthole Surfers and Orbital have used it on music tracks).
Is it better to regret something you have done then something you haven%26#039;t done?
I don%26#039;t find taking aggression out on others to be helpful and unfortunately, you won%26#039;t likely realize the full effect of your choices for years to come.

If that plonker can help you to accomplish your goals in life and long term happiness then it wasn%26#039;t a good choice.

If that plonker can help you to stay out of debt and maintain your housing and your health then it wasn%26#039;t a good choice.

If that plonker can teach you new skills so that you can move onto a better or more significant life then it wasn%26#039;t a good choice.

We are all prone to do what feels good in the moment -- like telling someone off -- rather than recognizing the long term consequences of overreacting.
Is it better to regret something you have done then something you haven%26#039;t done?
If your question is to regret what you have done or not done, it is indeed a good one. I think people regret both. Saying your mind could be good or bad as well depending on the situation and the results, but I think second guessing is common, at least I hope that it is. :)

BTW, I liked this question and I also have a song by the Butthole Surfers in my mind, %26quot;The Wooden Song.%26quot;
Reply:In most cases, I would say I would rather regret what I have done. As long as it wasn%26#039;t illegal, and I%26#039;m not regretting it from behind bars!

I am getting older, and I don%26#039;t want to regret leaving any thing that I wanted to do on the table.
Reply:There%26#039;s a difference in being outspoken and being careless.

If you know that something you%26#039;re doing is a bad idea (like walking out on your boss), you shouldn%26#039;t do it without a good reason.
Reply:I wouldn`t want to be a %26quot;Living next door to Alice%26quot; kind of guy.

I think something is to be learned for rock stars that do what they please and don`t take crap from nobody(like the Rolling Stones). But at same time don`t try to be like a rock star ,because they have a tendency to be way to self absorbed and juvenile in their behavior.

Somewhere in between there I think ,is a nice balance of being true to yourself and at same time being a grown up!
Reply:Most of my regrets come from not saying or doing something and I would rather have regrets about saying or doing something. I agree, it%26#039;s better to speak you mind and regret it than to not say anything and wish you had.
Reply:you can always better regret for something you havenot done; because you have all the time to do it , if it has to be done.

regretting for what you have done is useless.

best of luck
Reply:If you say or do things you later regret, more often than not, you can apologise or put it right.... BUT if you miss the opportunity then its too late.

So I am of the mind that its better to regret what you have done, than the not doing it. Besides, its all experience and opportunity%26#039;s to learn.

You can speak your mind, but try thinking before you speak! A ten second pause often works well to allow you to compose your thoughts....

There is a line between expression of thought, opinion and feelings AND insensitivity. Its not always WHAT you say, but HOW you say it... the words used, delivery of the message etc. You can use tact, empathy and still put your views across.
Reply:regret something i haven%26#039;t done is worse..

because, at least you get to see the results/response when you did something although it may end up something bad or learned from that experience..than not doing it and serves as a question mark for you when you grow on..

Could be that our planet is ever changing and alive that there is life on it?

This planet is a machine in operation with all manner of programmed life on it with assigned duties. The cleanup squad is stuff like ants, clams, crabs, fungi and so on. We are the highest order of creation on this planet and it is our original job to oversee (tend) this planet(the garden).The planet itself is not alive, it is only the place for this experiment to operate on-like a petrie dish.
Could be that our planet is ever changing and alive that there is life on it?
Too bad you cannot speak to a blade of grass. Or understand what a rock or grain of sand has to say.
Could be that our planet is ever changing and alive that there is life on it?
If your question is %26quot;Is the planet itself alive, and is that what caused life?%26quot; that it called The Gaia Principle. There is much thought given to it.

An open mind is receptive to such thought.
Reply:Yes to all but there is a debate about intelligent life .
Reply:There are microbes at least three miles below the surface. The surface stuff is obvious. But it%26#039;s more like we live on the planet and the galaxy and solar system will reestablish balances after we are no more, or we can re-establish equilibria if we learn fast enough. The race is on.

Who out there believes that the test of life is an interactive illussion?

who belives that god s test is base on an interactive illussion on this earthly plane we call earth.And that the test of life is to see how we interact with various people and sinuations.
Who out there believes that the test of life is an interactive illussion?
sound good,but no illusion this my friend is the real final exam.... He already know your score!

A teacher dosen%26#039;t give out a test to see how much teacher knows but how much you know, the test is for you not the teacher!
Who out there believes that the test of life is an interactive illussion?
If God was all-knowing, there would be no need administer a test.
Reply:Let%26#039;s say it is. That might be the reality for something outside of ourselves. For us, we have little awareness of anything but the illusion so it is our reality. The reality of others does not necessarily have meaning in our lives. Relevance can be situational. Just my thoughts. Thanks for the question.
Reply:There is no test and no tester. Life is not random either because you created it with your decisions.

How did you decide to think about what you were just thinking about?

It%26#039;s unconscious. How would I consciously know?
How did you decide to think about what you were just thinking about?
Lets think about it...
How did you decide to think about what you were just thinking about?
Intentional thought is very rare. When I have prepared to lead groups I review the material and think about the implications. I try and anticipate the questions and allow myself time to come up with my own. In general our thoughts go to what we encounter as we go through our day, and the associations our brain makes with that stimulus. Mostly we allow other sources to direct what we think about.

Thanks for the good reminder to spend more time in intentional thought.
Reply:Boredom. Thats usually the reason I answer these questions.
Reply:I decided to navigate to circumstance and then attuned my awareness to the details of that circumstance.

I arrived at this questions and after reading it offer this information as a description.

I am lucid and seemingly by merit of my own will am able to direct my mind to thoughts of my choosing at any given time.

Though admittedly there are limits, it seems however that the system itself (through humanity) is beyond my estimation in potential.
Reply:u crazy!(no offence intended pl) not everything can be decided, some things happen spontaneously
Reply:Interesting question. Most of the time we don%26#039;t decide. I do practice a technique I call directed thought. I decide there is a certain thing I will think about or ponder thru the day. I will slip away, the mind is very undisciplined, but when I do I just go back to what I have chosen to think about. I am getting better at staying focus with this technique. It is also a good technique for when someone is worried %26amp; can%26#039;t stop thinking of something. Don%26#039;t tell them to not think of the subject they are worried about, it won%26#039;t work, in fact they will think of it more. Tell them to decide to think about a deliberate subject, each time they find themselves slipping back to the subject of their worry they need only say no, I have decided to think about so %26amp; so today. It does take some persistent effort, but it works %26amp; gets easier with practice. Great question!

Reply:Necessity to consider the situation without denial.

What is something that is always certain?

A truth.
What is something that is always certain?
the end ....
What is something that is always certain?
Death and taxes .
Reply:You will only experience being alive.
Reply:That just when You think you%26#039;ve got EVERYTHING %26quot;figured out%26quot;, that things start going TERRIBLY Wrong !!! ( that%26#039;s %26quot;Murphy%26#039;s%26quot; cousin %26quot;Brucie%26#039;s%26quot; law...). :)
Reply:ha ha ha death and taxes!!!!!!!! That is all, good luck!!!!
Reply:%26quot;This too shall pass%26quot; is pretty much a certainty for any situation.

%26quot;Tomorrow never comes%26quot; is a certainty too, because tomorrow is the future and when tomorrow becomes today - then it is today and not tomorrow.

%26quot;heat rises%26quot; %26quot;water flows downward%26quot; %26quot;life goes on%26quot; %26quot;you can%26#039;t have everything%26quot; .... there%26#039;s lots of em.
Reply:There is no constancy.
Reply:God%26#039;s love.
Reply:Things appear to change.
Reply:%26quot;THE ONLY CONSTANT IS CHANGE%26quot;

look up that quote. it is so true.

in a discussion in class we also deduced that:

-for change to occur, conflict muct exist

(be mindful, that conflict is neither negative or positive, it is our repsonse to conflict that determines the outcome)

-therefore we may also conclude that as long as there is change (which is always) there will also be conflict.

How do you find strength when your heart is broken?

I just had a heart break.. it was my best buddy. I just find it so difficult to get over it... she was my best friend and now she broke my heart... I don%26#039;t even have anyone to talk to about it...

it%26#039;s killing me... i%26#039;m plagued with thoughts of suicide...

n it really feels horrible that i%26#039;m looking for advice online... i dont have any friends...
How do you find strength when your heart is broken?
aww. Poor you. Just don%26#039;t think about your heart break, and try getting on with life. Keep your head up high and try making new friends and there%26#039;s always a family member that can keep you company.

Good luck.!
How do you find strength when your heart is broken?
Hey I%26#039;m doing the same thing, read my questions, I don%26#039;t know, I guess somehow it makes you feel better knowing that you%26#039;re not the only misserable person in this world.
Reply:I usually listen to side 1 of Chicago%26#039;s greatest hits.
Reply:oh , your belief is crumbled...why you identify youself with your belief.?..that is why it hurts...You are not your belief...but if you are, then you being bleed...It will be gone soon , i promise. Then only then you can realize you may realize a power of your own belief attempting to destroy you. actually it is not your former buddy destroying you but your own creation your personal belief %26quot;about %26quot;him showing you its side effect, negative part of it.
Reply:The world is beautiful. Just take a look around you--the way machines work, they way the human body functions, the universe. Wow. Find strength in knowing that the world is much bigger than yourself. That perfection exists.

Throughout life, you will get your heart broken. It is in our nature to let these things happen to us, but you shouldn%26#039;t let it defeat you. You still have places to go, people to meet, life to live. I know that it probably seems like the worse thing in the world, but please don%26#039;t give up. Life is an amazing gift.
Reply:Bro I had my heart broken too... but I%26#039;m still here! The best way to get strength in a hard time is to rely on God, just ask Him and He will help you get through this trust me on this one. And you will have better day ahead of you. Those thoughts are just thoughts you can change them, think about something else, don%26#039;t be alone right now call someone.

get out and do something, a movie, running, be active.

you can email me if you need someone to talk too.

Hey and God love you more than she could have, and nothing but good things for you.
Reply:I think i lost a friend!

i think its over between us....

and he was my best buddy my friend...someone i can connect with! Now i feel its all over....and it hurts so much...

i cant stop thinking about him....

i would like to know the answer to this Q, but i can%26#039;t even help myself to help you...!!

im sorry, i hope you%26#039;ll feel better soon....goodluck...%26lt;3%26lt;3%26lt;3
Reply:Read %26quot;Life of Pi%26quot;.
Reply:Life will find a way!

But you have to find the strength within yourself to get through it.

Take care of yourself by not skipping meals and getting enough sleep. Those are your prime concerns if you want to get through this. Other than that try not to burden yourself with guilt of things you should have done in this period in your life. Instead try to do the things you usually gain your strength from. Reading books, working out or watching movies ,whatever works for you.

Try to make time your friend in this situation and not your enemy!
Reply:Broken hearts hurt more than anything else. I actually find that your kind of lucky. I have lived my whole life loving people who never once loved me back. Your lucky that you, no matter how short of long of an amount of time, had someone who loved you and you loved them back. Just think of that feeling of love you had then and remember that one day you will get a love that is not only like that but about 10 times greater! There is hope for you and there is love in your future and I%26#039;m sure if you took a careful look around there are people out there who have love for you. Don%26#039;t kill yourself, You have a wonderful life waiting for you to live, all you have to do is find it. remember: better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all. I really hope this helps. lots of love :)
Reply:The best strength is a replacement.
Reply:learn from it and grow
Reply:Find someone to mend it.

If there%26#039;s anything I%26#039;ve learned, it%26#039;s that: %26quot;For every person that can break your heart there%26#039;s another that can mend it.%26quot;
Reply:%26quot;Sacred Psychology of Love: The Quest for Relationships that Unite Heart and Soul%26quot; and %26quot;Emotions,%26quot; Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D.

%26quot;Wanting to Live: Overcoming the Seduction of Suicide,%26quot; Neroli Duffy, M.D. and Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D.

1-800-232-6459 M-F business hours, ask for Counseling dept., tell your story.

1-800-525-LOVE 24/7 for licensed counseling.

%26quot;Testimony of Light,%26quot; Helen Greaves,

%26quot;Men in White Apparel,%26quot; Ann Ree Colton.

Self-murder is truly not a good option. Reach out to the numbers, sites, and books, let them be the voices of guidance, not some depressed, misleading notion.
Reply:i just focus on my studies/career, and give importance to my friends, and social life..
Reply:Hey dude i know exactly how you feel. if you want we can talk. im not a stalker or anything but we can talk. something similar has happened to me. i had the suicidal thoughts and i still do. im not entirely over it but im getting better. i really cant say right now cuz a really annoying person checks my account like everytime she comes on her account and bugs me about everything i say. but anyway email me. you and only you may email me.

ok i would like to hear from you.

What is the point of life???? What good does it do??? REALLY??? What difference does any of it make?

I find myself questioning the very same thing at times. The only answer to this lies in what you believe you are placed in this world for. This life is truly what you make of it. Personally, I would like to think that everyone is placed in this world to make some kind of impact on another%26#039;s life. The truth is the only happiness in life can be found when you are content and the only good in life comes in what you, yourself, can share with the world.
What is the point of life???? What good does it do??? REALLY??? What difference does any of it make?
It%26#039;s a test of your faith. You must find something to believe in and the world will try to tear down your beliefs. Life%26#039;s a test of your strength and conviction. Do I do what I believe in or do I give in to the pressure? Do I do things the right way or take the easy way out? Sometimes there%26#039;s no right answer but we have to do the best we can. Believe and be strong.
What is the point of life???? What good does it do??? REALLY??? What difference does any of it make?
nothing, none, none at all.
Reply:One of the problems with being from an affluence society is that we lack real challenges. You need something that pits your physical, mental and spiritual abilities against a real obstacle. Once you experience fighting for your life or the lives of others your vision clears. Go overseas and help out in a crisis situation. Your survival instincts kick in and you see how precious life is. Learn what it is to go hungry and enjoy food as never before. Spend time with those that have nothing but have more moments of pure joy that your life provides. You will not find your answers in a land of plenty. Go work with the homeless in a country without welfare. You will make a difference and find out more about life than any of us could ever explain.
Reply:the point in life is to realise who you are and create the best you that you can .It is essential to the people around you even if you dont think so .there is a reaction for everything you do so you do make a difference right?
Reply:sounds like someone needs God in their life
Reply:If you think this is the only one and don%26#039;t want to buy into the heaven-hell explanations, there is no point.

As more and more science of life discovers that the ancient Indians and the Chinese had a lot of intelligence and wisdom and actual knowledge of reality that we are just now confirming, you could consider that their conviction that life is a never-ending cycle also has validity. If it does, then the point is to progress beyond this karmic hell-hole of the universe, or keep getting better at helping the miserable, deluded souls caught here. The better you get at a game, the more fun it is.
Reply:There are over 6 billion people alive now. Make a contribution to society.
Reply:Why should life have a point? But then, you ask yourself %26#039;why not killing myself?%26#039; Well actually Death is not a proven thing. So then u wouldnt be able to talk about a %26#039;difference%26#039; cause maybe it would be the same. But if u hurt yourself trying to kill yourself, then maybe it would change your life into worse. So then, this question has no answer...And you shouldnt really ask yourself this. There are tones of other a lot better questions.
Reply:Generally speaking, this is such an important question for any thoughtful person to ask that I gave you a star. I have to say, though, that it is one of the most frequently asked questions on YA, and many in the community have thoughtfully typed their brains out (and their fingers numb) in response to answer it many times already, before you asked it above.

In fact, there are more than 119,000 Qs %26amp; As on YA dealing with %26quot;meaning of life%26quot; right now (see link to them below). I did a search in the field in the green bar at top of page here (%26quot;Search for questions%26quot; field), as should you (and everyone) before they post a question, no matter how good a question, because very frequently there have been awesome, fastastic, and numerous answers already provided by the community.

Granted, a few of the Qs%26amp;As in the search I did ask about Star Trek %26amp; Vulcans %26amp; meaning of life, but I did look through the first few screens of the search return and most are straight up human life %26amp; meaning.

Please go look there!

** peace **

Im searching for something but i dont know what it is im searching for?

In this life that is... im searching for something.. i dont think i%26#039;ve found it, i have a feeling like im getting closer, but im lost. What am i searching for? Something that will give me a better understanding of myself, the world..
Im searching for something but i dont know what it is im searching for?
I sense you are a very intelligent person, you want something more and you have a destiny, everyday life just douse not cut it. who you are going to be will eventually come out and you will find your destiny, you are very lucky.
Im searching for something but i dont know what it is im searching for?
your in search of your inner happiness look no further then your own heart .The need to belong, just realize you already do and be the best that you can be .be the best example of yourself and that is all anyone can ask of you ,in turn you find your own happiness in you
Reply:Have you tried searching for God....
Reply:Damned if I haven%26#039; been there myself. I hate to say it, but the tawdry irony is that what you are seeking is somewhere within yourself.

Introversion and extroversion must be married, rather than at war. Think deeply, act strongly.
Reply:Congratulations. That%26#039;s a good start.
Reply:To find what you are searching for you must live your life and let fate guide you. You have a destiny and you will achieve it and all you have to do is live life. One day you%26#039;ll realize that you found what you were searching for even though you didn%26#039;t know you were looking. It%26#039;ll just happen. hope this helps.
Reply:C. S. Lewis dedicates a large portion of his work to this issue. %26quot;when the real want for Heaven is present in us, we do not recognise it. Most people, if they really learned to look into their own hearts, would know that they want, and want acutely, something that cannot be had in this world.%26quot;

He then states that creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for those desires exist e.g. babies feel hungry and there is food, men feel sexual desire and there is sex, etc.

%26quot;If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world... probably earthly pleasures were never meant to satisfy it, but only to arouse it, to suggest the real thing%26quot;

Would i do well to abandon humility, and simply assume (or accept) that I'm the most awesome person ever?

I think most people are familiar with the placebo effect. Could it be applied to philosophy? Have I been too hasty in my condemnation of meaningless aphorisms?
Would i do well to abandon humility, and simply assume (or accept) that I%26#039;m the most awesome person ever?
worked for me
Would i do well to abandon humility, and simply assume (or accept) that I%26#039;m the most awesome person ever?
No, I am the most awesome person ever. I oooze awesomosity from my pores. Jealous aren%26#039;t you?
Reply:I think a better question is, does a Placebo work if you know it%26#039;s a Placebo?
Reply:The condition is usually labeled one of the four lower worlds in ancient Indian thought of the ten worlds. The consequence of what you suggest is increasing mental blindness to the impending personal, premature, doom.
Reply:Well I do believe humility is the refuge of the incompetent but.....

If you ARE awesome, you don%26#039;t have to tell yourself you%26#039;re awesome.

%26amp; If you have to tell yourself your awesome, you aren%26#039;t.
Reply:I was told never to %26quot;a s s u m e%26quot; . When you %26quot;a s s u m e%26quot; , you make a %26quot;u%26quot;-know-what out of %26quot;u%26quot; , and %26quot;me%26quot;.

More people are familiar with the placebo effect , than they are with humility. The recommendation being, that you abandon meaningless aphorisms.
Reply:Being a perfect person, myself, I am incapable of arrogance. Humility is an integral part of my perfection.
Reply:people who are like this are very insecure inside.

so they lie to others and even themselves about it.

its not about being modest, its about being and rewarding who you are. its narrow minded and shortsighted if you ask me. they will never know anything past themselves.
Reply:You are completely insignificant. Even the earth itself is microscopic in comparison to some stars, let alone galaxies and the such. Life as we know it is an extremely small part of the universe. You are not as awesome as you think you are.

What is love worth to you?

I it worth humility? And if so, how much? Your dignity? Is it worth leaving your friends behind? Your family? Is it worth the risk of potential heartbreak and undue stress? much is love really worth?
What is love worth to you?
Love is worth a lot for me but I wouldn%26#039;t give up everything for love. I wouldn%26#039;t give up who I am or what I think or my love for anyone else, including myself. Love is worth heartbreak (as it%26#039;s said: %26quot;better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all%26quot;). Love should be an addition to your life not something that leads to subtraction from life.
What is love worth to you?
It%26#039;s worth everything, but how much are you willing to give up of yourself to obtain it, and how much do you want. Play it safe you can lose it all. The risk my be high but the potent exceeds it far more then you can dream....
Reply:Love is an abstract concept that%26#039;s supposed to somehow embody every potential positive... thing. As such, I believe it is subjective rather than objective. What is it worth? Well, if it embodies things I Cherish, then everything. It is the ultimate end. It%26#039;s my goal. It wouldn%26#039;t make sense to put anything else before it, would it?
Reply:True love is unending and has no bounds

All of the above..

What does the idiomatic expression mean to you? "apple of the eye" Please explain your answer.?

nothing, that%26#039;s not what the expression is
What does the idiomatic expression mean to you? %26quot;apple of the eye%26quot; Please explain your answer.?
An object of special affection.

Explain what? The origin of the term? I%26#039;d guess it%26#039;s a Garden on Eden reference.
What does the idiomatic expression mean to you? %26quot;apple of the eye%26quot; Please explain your answer.?
A very old saying this, usually expressed as %26quot;you are the apple of my eye.%26quot; - That which is most joyous and beautiful to behold.

There may be other fruit and flowers that to some may surpass the apple; but there are none so quintessentially English. The Apricot is a fine tree and they taste wonderful, but the fruit is of lesser significance visually. Grapes look very fine indeed bu are borne on straggly vines. and mostly hidden and so on through the fruits of the world. But the apple has it all, shiny, bold, bourne on a tree that is generally smallish to be sure but of artistic shape and the healthy cheek is there to be seen on the blush of a ripe apple.

And above all the apple is suited and native to the temperate English climate. There are other sayings and stories attached to the apple %26quot;an apple a day keeps the doctor away%26quot; for one. Knowledge itself is bound to the apple. From the garden of Eden being the fruit of the tree of knowledge to the rap on the head an apple gave Newton which led him to form a theory of %26#039;gravity%26#039;.
Reply:more familiar with %26#039;the apple of my eye%26#039; meaning %26#039;my favourite person%26#039; and always said with a soft, fond smile on one%26#039;s lips.

not sure why was a saying I grew up with.

guess it could mean either:

a) %26#039;they are so like a sweet and precious fruit that I want to look at them all the time.%26#039;

or, as apples were used for target practice

b) %26#039;my eye alights on them all the time..they are the target of my gaze%26#039;

probably (b)
Reply:%26quot;special someone%26quot;

What are some of the reasons to oppose artificial life?

Is being breathed into by a machine for multiple years really %26quot;life%26quot;?
What are some of the reasons to oppose artificial life?
Will take jobs away from people who need them
What are some of the reasons to oppose artificial life?
no not quite..i mean the advances in the medical field nowadays are mostly used for %26quot;good%26quot; things..well for the most part, one of these days you%26#039;ll have to turn to it. its a good thing
Reply:it doesnt give people control over their lives to a full extent
Reply:Because it%26#039;s not natural; it goes against the normal cycle of life.
Reply:10. Married couples who use artificial contraception are not open to the prospect of having a baby.

9. The standard birth control pill also operates as an abortifacient,

sometimes destroying the newly

created baby before implantation.

8. Federal law mandates the delivery

of the contraceptives without age discrimination, so many children and pre-teens are receiving prescription medication without their parents鈥?knowledge.

7. Contraceptives do not prevent

sexually transmitted diseases. A false sense of security when using contraceptives leads to increase sexual activity which leads to an increase in instances where a sexually transmitted disease can be contracted.

6. There is always a margin of error in using birth control. Incorrect and inconsistent use, defective products,

etc. contribute to their failure.

Condoms average a 25% failure rate.

5. The Catholic Church opposes

artificial contraception.

4. Contraception distorts the meaning

of human sexuality.

3. Contraception is morally wrong.

2. Contraception is a factor leading to

an increase in abortions.

1. The only 100% guaranteed method

to avoid pregnancy, sexually

transmitted diseases and disastrous relationships is abstinence.
Reply:If there was A.L. we could feer that they mite take over our world. thats a bad thing
Reply:Because G-d is the only one who should create life.

Where would it start/end???

%26quot;Oh, I wanted a baby with blue eyes%26quot;

%26quot;This kid isn%26#039;t cute, get me another one%26quot;

It%26#039;s unethical for religious people.

Personally, I think it%26#039;s amazing and would be really cool but I understand why people are opposed to it.
Reply:some people think its wrong. they think people just wanna act fake, but thats not really the truth. they do it because sometimes people get treated differently online than in the real world.

another reason why it is opposed is because its dangerous, %26#039;specially with myspace %26amp; online dating %26amp; stuff.
Reply:unbalanced unwavering control.
Reply:do you mean like artificial resusetation,

or being on a life machine?

or do you mean robots, AI, that sort of thing..

On the latter,

Some people feel that your time is your time,

Others feel that you should take advantage of every second that their %26quot;god%26quot; has bestowed upon you. Reguardless if taht means spending years in horrible suffering... Kinda selfish if you ask me.. Cause its always the familys that make that desicion, not the person suffering.
Reply:i think if someone created an artificial heart it would come in handy. but a cloned human would be a different story becuz how would taht person be treated
Reply:What is meant by %26quot;artificial life%26quot; if you mean genetically engineered life forms then this has been explored or if you mean mechanical selfaware intelligence the cons have also been debated.

I am not sure which issue you refer to so I can not really discuss it unless you clarify what you mean.

How do you personally define wisdom?

Smart enough to know just how little you do know. I also think realizing that everyone lives in their own truth is a big revelation to have.
How do you personally define wisdom?
many years of experience
How do you personally define wisdom?
Wisdom is having the good sense to keep your mouth shut and your ears open; and to know when to do each.
Reply:It is the ability to know when to shut up! Many people are so wise they feel they must share thier wisdom with the world. The world is smarter than we give it credit for, sit back and just watch, you will learn much more than telling everyone what you think!
Reply:Knowing that everyone possesses some wisdom. Then taking what everyone has to offer in wisdom and sorting it, is a big step. Feeling comfortable in your own acquired self-wisdom is important but remaining open to other people%26#039;s wisdom is important too.
Reply:%26quot;Wisdom%26quot; is practical knowledge, not intelligence. It is a %26quot;learnt%26quot; faculty because it only comes through experience.
Reply:WISDOM is knowing to apply the KNOWLEDGE we possess
Reply:The attribute aquired by those who have learned from their experiences.
Reply:“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.”

I also share Osho`s view, that the knowledge you have once aquired serves to boost your ego. Wisdom is needed to help you get rid of this ego.

At a certain moment you have so much knowledge, that you have to systematize and classify it. You need wisdom to achieve that task, accentuating on the most important aspects and getting rid of the details. So, in my opinion, wisdom helps you make use of your knowledge, analyse it, and take advantage of the lessons you have learned after classifing all the information.

How to lead a happy life with the family with good health wealth and knowledge?

do yoga,think positve,read books,wake up with big smile.most important keep stomach clean .ha!ha!ha!.......
How to lead a happy life with the family with good health wealth and knowledge?
If you%26#039;re a man, don%26#039;t cheat.

If you%26#039;re a woman, don%26#039;t marry an alcoholic.
How to lead a happy life with the family with good health wealth and knowledge?
its always small gestures that that matters.

have a family time; something like a movie followed by a discussion on it or some games or a confession time etc...

just before every act of yours, remember


think over it
Reply:Think positive ..... whenever you someone or something baatter than you or better than what you have .. look down and think of people who dont even have that .
Reply:to lead a happy life you should go to your%26#039;s innerside ,all the questions answers are there in your inner soul [side] for good health you lead a simple life like a rural or a village life ,a peacefull life ,for wealth you work in a good manner with the feeling of honesty,if you lead this type of life then you find you are a knowledgefull person .%26quot;make a ideal person and follow there principle %26quot;and remember that change for your%26#039;s self it is not a burden for you .
Reply:u must join ammway-business nd use their health products i think this is the only business optnty that leads to healthy wealthy nd knowledgable life with family
Reply:if one has good health,good wealth and good knoweldge then

what needed to lead a good life with family are-patience,mutual

understanding and control over persnal ego.
Reply:The best way I%26#039;ve experienced is by thanking. I%26#039;ve been told by my dad, that be thankful to what you possess, so far. The more you do so the more you are likely to gain. Start practising this and you will have a happy life, ever!

Good luck!
Reply:No house on earth you find all the three LAKSHMIS live happily. Kalviya, selvama , suhabogama!!1
Reply:If the members, parents and children, eat together on a table or on a mat, on a dinner; only; provided we are friend, only, forgetting our relations; frank expressing the %26#039;views%26#039;.....; have patience.!
Reply:%26quot;Early to bed and early to rise,

Makes a man healthy, wealthy

and wise%26quot;.

Please try to get the inner meaning.
Reply:Happiness lies within us you don%26#039;t have to run anywhere to be happy.Just love yourself and love other as you love yourself. I mean to say love unconditionally and do good to others in whatever little way you can.Then you will see the magic ,how Universe downpour health, wealth ,happiness so that you can live happily ever after with your family.

You may visit -

Do you think the U.S gov麓t is preparing us for something slowly providing proof of alien existence?

could there be a connection between that and a possible invasion in 2012?
Do you think the U.S gov麓t is preparing us for something slowly providing proof of alien existence?
Doesn%26#039;t seem too likely.
Do you think the U.S gov麓t is preparing us for something slowly providing proof of alien existence?
No because they wouldnt be wasting money on a silly space station
Reply:No, I believe the US government is more interested in lining their pockets and getting kickbacks than that.
Reply:Exactly what steps have they taken so far? If they are preparing us by slowly providing proof, then what proof has been publicized yet? If by %26quot;slowly%26quot; you mean its at a standstill, producing no proof whatsoever, then yes. If you mean they are being productive in this endeavor, then no.

And what the hell does it have to do with 2012?
Reply:you still dont get it do you? its more than the US government,its more than we ever thought.This goes deeper my friend,much deeper than the us,or any sinfle country.I%26#039;ll leave yoyu with that,and leave you to draw up your own awnsers.
Reply:No. I don%26#039;t.

It sounds as if you%26#039;ve been staying up too late and watching too many re-runs of %26#039;the X Files%26#039; 鈽?br>


What did you learn from life? What is your suggestion to others?

I am only 23 but a few things have already happened to me and my best suggestion to others is... %26quot;Do not expect things to happen.%26quot; If you want something, go out and get it. Life is filled with too many twist and turns for thing to just work themselves out.
What did you learn from life? What is your suggestion to others?
So far I%26#039;ve learned that common sense is not very common, I%26#039;ve also learned that life has a habit of getting It%26#039;s own way. I suggest to others to live it thier own way and pay no attention to anyone else!
What did you learn from life? What is your suggestion to others?
I know everyone says it but...%26quot;Do what makes you happy%26quot;. Something to truly live by!
Reply:i have learned how to be patient all the time and toward many subjects specially which related with money and don%26#039;t believe all what i hear.

i suggest you to read many books novells and newspapers,don%26#039;t neglect all other%26#039;s advices.
Reply:my advice-dont make your life by doing what people are doing and following the crowd,make your own future and do what the **** you want!But what you want may note be whats make you the best future.Its your choice
Reply:Give some reading time to %26quot;The Path of the Higher Self,%26quot; Mark Prophet,

%26quot;Testimony of Light,%26quot; Helen Greaves,

%26quot;The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?%26quot;, Free and Wilcock,

%26quot;Expecting Adam,%26quot; Martha Beck,

%26quot;The Great Divorce,%26quot; C. S. Lewis,

%26quot;Freakonomics,%26quot; S. Levitt.

They can teach alot about life, how it%26#039;s important to balance love, wisdom, and power, in purity, and so on.

life is precious, and time is short. dont waste it on trivial things and years later wonder where the time is gone. good days will always out weigh the bad days as long as you have positive energy on your side.

and my personal quote: %26quot;make the most out of life, or life will make a fool out of you%26quot;

meaning life is not going to go exactly as planned but we can%26#039;t let it defeat us. the difference in making it in this world and losing is a matter of wills and persistence. deal with every situation head on and try to achieve a balance in life which will help when everything else is out of control!

most of all... be blessed
Reply:that always be true to yourself, stick to what you really want and feel..because you make your own life..
Reply:I am only 18, and i learned that only i can help myself and understand myself better than anyone else. I learned to do what makes me happy and not worry about what other people will think about it. I learned that iam unique just like the rest of the world, so either you hate me or you love me.

Life without technology?

what do you personnaly think about technology and how the human race evolves . where do you think we would be without technology and what is the mast important piece of technology. i want well thought out answers please
Life without technology?
I think the technology completes our life because it makes our work simplier, easier, faster and many good words in the dictionary. If their is no technology, I can%26#039;t answer this question and you can%26#039;t ask us.
Life without technology?
Without technology we would be disconnected to those furthest from us physically, but more connected to the closest to us physically.
Reply:I lived nearly a year in a cave in one of the most desolate high desert places on Earth without any technology at all except a loincloth. (Had to have that. The local ranchers would shoot a %26#039;wild man%26#039; running naked through those hills, which were like giant piles of massive boulders.)

I did not even use fire, for fire is a technology, eating everything I could catch with my hands or dig up raw.

I didn%26#039;t really think much about technology. I was trying to find out what people might have thought about back before any technology. And I learned that people never survived in the wild alone. This is still true, and it taught me to value people, all people, above all else.

The most important technology, I think, was indeed fire. It was also the most dangerous of all natural forces we tamed. The tiniest flame can grow to burn a million acres, killing everything on that land.

A fire, properly taken care of, is light, warmth on cold nights, and protection from things that might eat us. You never realize how totally important fire was until you live a long time without it. It has to be the source of the myths of magic, for nothing Natural is as magical. ...or demonic either.

Fire has some part in the production of almost every technology that followed, from the making of DVD disks to the flame that carries the Astronauts into space. It is used to harden wood for furniture, it dried food for the winter, it is used to make fuels for every kind of motor, and I can%26#039;t think of anything that is so important to our lives.

Now, however, I think that in modern times the digital revolution is the modern equivalent of fire. But it took fire to create that.
Reply:Technology started when we first started using simple tools. Without technology we would still be running around grazing and gathering plants to eat in wilderness. We could not hunt, trap or farm.
Reply:Technology is part of what makes us human in the first place. There was never a time in human history that we didn%26#039;t have it, although it started off as just simple tools and gradually evolved into more complex devices.

Even some of our ape cousins, such as chimpanzees, can fashion and use simple tools out of sticks and things.

Is humans nature naturally evil?

Personally, i think we are born neutral. Though the only thing we have control of in the universe is if we choose to be good or evil.
Is humans nature naturally evil?
No one is born evil. I think people are often egotistical and can be selfish, wanting the best of things for themselves at the expense of others... but pure evil is rare... (usually a result of psychopaths and psychotic episodes)
Is humans nature naturally evil?
The concept of evil is a divisively religious one, and far too simplistic to be considered seriously.
Reply:There is no good and evil, its only a mere artificial conception in order to build the groundwork of society:laws and orders.

People all have different aspect, perspective, feelings %26amp; taste, and of course: ways of dealing. When you ask a certain question which does not necessarily have one answer, the answer will vary between people. Its simple as that, some people may find some solution on certain question %26#039;evil%26#039;; however in his perspective only more logical.

%26#039;Right-and-wrong%26#039; concept, moral builds up depending on the culture %26amp; parental teachings. So it all differs.

Most people will say abusing/murder is evil, but, in some circumstances, and in some countries, its tradition of sacrifice. And it is remote to the conception of %26#039;evil%26#039; in their perspective.

In our world we have %26#039;law and punishment%26#039;. But in my personal view its nothing more than a soft way to put %26#039;vengence%26#039;.

There is no evil in this world, there is unique perspective.
Reply:Confucius quote

Human%26#039;s natures are alike;

it is their habits that separate them.

Some people have the habits of doing good and others have the habits of doing evil.
Reply:Humans have only a few innate instincts... suckling is one, and another is our social instinct, we need people to survive ourselves, and a few others which I don%26#039;t remember right now. Otherwise we are born empty of thought or reference, and we don%26#039;t even have organic filters yet.

In the first five years of our lives, we absorb a Universe, we hear, see, taste, touch, smell, everything that our senses encounter, without any references or judgments, and if we hear it, even if we don%26#039;t understand it, we take it in and remember it, not consciously, but subconsciously. A researcher once told me every baby is so far beyond genius in adult terms that it is not actually measurable.

It becomes the ultimate reference for everything we learn afterwards. As we grow, during those first five years, we learn to put more importance on what our parent or parents say, what the %26#039;adults%26#039; say, and we take it in without any filtering at all. We accept it as true without questioning it, and we cannot even tell if it is true or not because we have nothing to compare it with.

We absorb a Universe, which includes both experiential knowledge, (like the hardwood floor is hard to fall on and the rug is less hard to fall on,) and conceptual information. Since most of the conceptual information was passed down through the generations, often being embroidered with all kinds of added on details and distortions from non-understanding, as much as 90% of that information is likely not true. Plus, every generation has vastly more conceptual information to deal with, especially in the last two generations.

The experiential data is more reliable, but compared to past generations, the average person gets far less of it. Our daily environments are a lot simpler than in the past. For instance, modern young children in the USA often can%26#039;t name more than six insects, those they encounter at home or their back yard. Children used to encounter hundreds of all kinds of creatures and plants every day.

Once, every child had at least 10 adults known by them around to ask questions of. They may get ten answers, but they could then have a basis for comparison. Now, in these generations, they might have a child care person who doesn%26#039;t like children, working for minimum wage, to ask questions of.

At most, a lot of children has only two adult people to ask, the mother who is seldom around and the teacher or child care employee, who spends more time with them than the mother. Peer groups and the internet gives them a tremendous amount of data, but most of it is fictional and TV and movies reflects the culture of the writers and producers that create it, what sells tickets or advertising.

They get layer after layer of mostly Bull to work with in their thinking. They, most people, walk around and live their lives essentially as organic robots overfilled with controlling programs which vie for control of the body and mind. %26#039;Free Will%26#039; becomes a latent ability that may or may not burst free when they get into %26#039;spirituality%26#039; later in life. Even then, following their programming, many simply buy into some religion or another and never exercise any Free Will.

Conscience, intuition, compassion, and many other abilities come inherent in the human mind, as part of the social instincts. But most barely notice these abilities. Since they are part of the confusion of the mind, they sometimes shove their way to the surface and helps the ego find and generate what we call %26#039;spirituality%26#039;. It%26#039;s like a rebirth of the mind when it happens.

But some people either don%26#039;t have the social instinct or suppress it throughly, and we call them psychopaths. They often see the Universe as a dream of theirs, like they are the only mind in Universe, the Center of that Universe. Other people are just characters in the %26#039;movie%26#039;. They might do anything to anyone and not have any conscience at all.

Confusion taken to the Nth degree causes Cynicism, which also tends to deaden the %26#039;spiritual%26#039; abilities.

That is the closest to %26#039;Evil%26#039; you can get, although the vast majority of people do not deliberately harm anyone. The rest of what people define as evil is simply confusion and rationalizations, or pre-programmed responses acting under stress. Nobody is inherently evil, so the vast majority of people on this planet are very good people, taking care of each other, not knowingly harming anyone, and playing by what they think are the %26#039;rules%26#039; of society.

Lastly, %26#039;Human Nature%26#039; is every way people can be, from cynical and nasty to compassionate and sweet. It is not any narrow definition. Trying to cut through the confusion by categorizing things as %26#039;evil%26#039; and %26#039;good%26#039; really leads to confusion or fanaticism and prevents the internal happiness that is each person%26#039;s birthright.

A lot of words, I know. But the question is not really answerable with a single short paragraph.

I hope this gave you a bit more understanding and answered your question.
Reply:no. our instincts require us to be greedy, as before civilisation man never knew when his next meal was coming, and the stockpilers survived more fruitfully.

the consequences of greed may seem evil, but i dont think that an action can be defined as evil if there is a reason for it.

doing evil, in essence, is causing suffering to another being for no reason. if there is a reason behind it, its better defined as unfair.
Reply:It is easier to be evil then to be good . Just like it is easier to hate then to Love .

What is your definition of independence?

The freedom from the control or influence of others. So in effect, no one is ever truly independent.
What is your definition of independence?
Asking for help from more knowledgeable sources when you know you can%26#039;t %26quot;fix%26quot; it yourself. Its about knowing what you can and can%26#039;t achieve yourself... Helping yourself when you can, being self sufficient, not needy or manipulative.
What is your definition of independence?
Me? in my opinion:I think the independence should include three parts : the first is : nobody can control me ,my life is hold in my hand , the second is :I will do what I want do !the last is :I will buy a car if I have enough money to travel the whole beautiful world! that%26#039;s all
Reply:The ability to function within your environment without the assistance of others.
Reply:Independence is not to rely on others to get things done.
Reply:Not subject to the control of others, self-governing. Not affiliated with a larger controlling unit. (such as an independent television channel; as opposed to a network), not contingent or conditional-as in an independent conclusion, being able to live without working-having independent means, showing desire for freedom(having an independent manner), not looking to others for guidance or opinions and not relying on others, not determined by or capable of being deduced or derived from or expressed in terms of members, and also an independent clause-a clause not compatible with another statement. There are all kinds of independence.

What are some logical reasons to be vegan or vegetarian?

what are some reasons if you know you are already healthy?

not ethical, emotional, personal, spiritual, or moral reasons

i could careless about the animals. :)
What are some logical reasons to be vegan or vegetarian?
Meat is expensive
What are some logical reasons to be vegan or vegetarian?
The land used to keep and rear the animal, and the land used to grow food for the animal could all be used to grow food for humans.

If you look at it in kCal per hectare, meat is a very *very* low yield product.
Reply:There are none. Man is an OMNIVORE!!
Reply:omitting ethical, emotional, personal, spiritual and moral reasons doesnt leave much. all i know is, as a vegetarian, im fit as a butchers dog.

For every 1 kg of meat, you need 7kg of plants (vegetable) which can be human%26#039;s food. So, it saves more space and more food.

Moreover, you can%26#039;t be healthy forever. Go Vege!
Reply:I am not vegetarian myself, but I can see the benefits. You would spend less money on food, as meat is expensive, you would lessen the risk of heart attacks and you would probably be ensuring that you get your 5 A Day. And of course, there are also the ethical reasons you don%26#039;t want mentioning.
Reply:i know a girl who went vegetarian recently. she ended up taking iron tablets for anaemia.

if you dont eat meat, you have no real source for iron or vitamin b12. your blood efficiency suffers and you are hardly able to maintain your muscles, let alone grow more.

humans were designed to eat meat. if we werent, then we wouldnt have fangs and our jaws would only chew side to side like a sheep.
Reply:it is the premise of the rich to decide what to eat, their are not many vegetarians in Africa, i know i lived there
Reply:You can have the green stuff and I will have the red, and I will drink the wine.!, white or red.
Reply:1. There are equally nutritious alternatives to meat

2. I find something about eating meat to be (illogically) objectionable

3. Therefore, I will not eat meat.

That%26#039;s the best I can come up with. There%26#039;s always going to be ethical, emotional, personal, spiritual, or moral reasons.
Reply:Being vegan or vegetarian means you%26#039;ll never get that strand of meat lodged between your teeth. Can%26#039;t really think of much else.
Reply:Vegan farts don%26#039;t smell, unless the vegan is ill
Reply:-if you eat meat you eat poo.

How a picture can talks beyond words ?

Sometimes a picture speaks beauty and has more depth than mere words... pictures are open to interpretation in ways that words aren%26#039;t.
How a picture can talks beyond words ?
words are not sufficient in expressing feelings and emotions of human beings.

Moreover, a picture is more universal than words that are in either one language in the world! because there is no one language that everyone in our wide world understands!
How a picture can talks beyond words ?
Words are linear and symbolic, and carry only the interpretation of the hearer, so no matter what you say the person listening to you may not understand what you meant to say. Pictures are not linear, they carry a million times more info than words, and the meanings can be transmitted with a lot more accuracy. But believe me, pictures can be totally misunderstood also. No communication is very accurate.

Body language and voice tone is probably the most universal language, but since there are, for instance, places in the world where a up and down head shake means %26#039;no%26#039; and a side to side head shake means %26#039;yes%26#039;, even that isn%26#039;t set in stone.
Reply:words are too simple, words are only created by man to communicate, how can you express something with such a primitive thing?
Reply:A picture speaks directly to the conscious and the subconscious.Such as an inkblot.Not every one sees the same thing when viewing one do to differences in thought process.As for words they often are not interpreted on a subconscious level.
Reply:Words are flat representations of things; they have no inherent meaning, only the meaning we assign them. Letters are little symbols which are strung together to represent words, which are themselves symbols of sounds we make. The sounds are also symbols - sounds we make to imperfectly represent physical things. A word on a page is so far removed from the real things that it represents.

A picture is not so open to interpretation.

When did humans begins viewing nature as pretty???

There is a definitive answer to this... it was mentioned in college, I just forgot...
When did humans begins viewing nature as pretty???
it represents survival. those who placed themselves around lush greenery also placed themselves amidst abundant food supplies and good shelter. it makes sense that we would evolve to be aesthetically attracted to it.
When did humans begins viewing nature as pretty???
Once we thought we had a reasonable measure and control of the nature, we began to see the beauty of it... prior to that we must have been scared of it.
Reply:from what i can recollect it began to have a growing interest during the time of the Renaissance with Realism art (drawing things as they seem, people, nature; as opposed to romanticism) with artists like Van Gogh

the Renaissance took place between 14th - 17th century f.y.i
Reply:I agree with Chris%26#039; response, but I think we can look at it from a religious perspective too.

In early society (1000%26#039;s of years ago) different cultures had a few ideals (or virtues) that were held to be the most important. They then looked at nature and saw things in it that they thought represented their virtues, and thus animism/totemism developed. This could explain why we enjoy nature because it reminds us of our ideals.

However, it could have been an intrinsic love of nature that led us to animise our ideals in the first place.
Reply:Back when the interstate road system was built and every one with a car could travel the whole country . This happened in the 1960%26#039;s .
Reply:Don%26#039;t animals enjoy Nature ?Do we know for certain that they are incapable of it?Does it require sophistication?Ability to appreciate beauty may be instinctive.
Reply:I%26#039;m guessing once the pollution produced by the Industrial Revolution began to eat up nature, humans started to miss it.

Can silence be creative if it's filled with even more silence?

...I am amazed and a wee bit jealous of people who can %26quot;create%26quot; or do their studies or work in the roar of %26quot;noise%26quot; son is able to do this...he can have the television on, music in the background, IM%26#039;s going on his computer and %26quot;still%26quot; turn out some impressive work...(sigh)...I need silence for such things ... perhaps a ceiling fan or small fan running in the background is OK, otherwise, I can%26#039;t think, create, our do any kind of paperwork very well in a noisy environment...I don%26#039;t have the ability to separate everything in my head and still keep, long story short...for me, silence is more creative when filled with more silence
Can silence be creative if it%26#039;s filled with even more silence?
Silence or stillness is the key to opening the door to direct cognition. Monks, Mystics, and Yogis have been using that technique for centuries. Plato said it like this.. %26quot;Know Thyself.%26quot; That kind of knowledge of the Self comes in silence. This will explain it in Christian terms: It%26#039;s a free ebook, a public resource.

Very profound question. Thanks.
Can silence be creative if it%26#039;s filled with even more silence?
Only if you%26#039;re thinking about something and creating something in your head or in silence physically.
Reply:We%26#039;re having this conversation in silence now, aren%26#039;t we? Are you feeling creative?
Reply:I think it can... as long as silence works as inspiration for someone.
Reply:If I knew you would hear me better this way, I would pile up all my silences for you, my lady.
Reply:Not if you have a ringing in your ears that won%26#039;t stop
Reply:Yes %26amp; if your very very quiet you may hear it.
Reply:I will have to think of that
Reply:that is golden

Why is life about the way people treat each other?

lifes life, and is therefore unexplainable
Why is life about the way people treat each other?
Life is about whatever you want it to be about. Don%26#039;t let other people define your beliefs; find your own meaning!
Why is life about the way people treat each other?
If you treat people well, you are a good person, unless you r doing it for personal gain.

If you treat people poorly, you are a bad person unless your have problems with behaviour or etc.

But that%26#039;s a small part of what life is about..
Reply:Because that%26#039;s all we have when everything is said and done. Because how people treat you and how you treat them is what will stick with you over time.
Reply:In fact, it is not only people. If we observe mother nature closely, even irational animals have a way of treating each

other specially their young.
Reply:Social life is about the way we treat each other for above all one simple reason: what goes around comes around. Emotions give us the ability to sympathize with others as they may do for us in times of need. An exception to this norm would be psychopaths, whose mindset is geared towards a simple solitary life of hunting and evading.
Reply:Because some believe that morality only applies to humans, thus you can only act good or bad towards other people. I personally include animals in the moral realm, too. You can%26#039;t treat an unliving thing in a morally good or bad way.
Reply:Life revolves around humanity and how you treat yourself. If you don%26#039;t treat yourself well, how can you expect to treat other people well?

The same rule applies if you don%26#039;t treat other people well, how can you expect to treat yourself well?

If you believe in a religon, it teaches you to be kind toward other people, and be tolerable toward one another.

What You want to be Male//Female if you take rebirth????And Why??

what do you love having feminine characteristics or being a male???
What You want to be Male//Female if you take rebirth????And Why??
I%26#039;m happy with being a male, thank you. Being one (a male) is a whole lot easier..Females, unfairly so, have carried the workloads created by males far too long! They, not us males, really know the definitions of pain %26amp; suffering!!!!
What You want to be Male//Female if you take rebirth????And Why??
Don%26#039;t believe all that mumbo jumbo your parents tell you. When you are dead you are dead. That%26#039;s it.
Reply:i think a male dont have 2 go through as much pain as a female (e.g pregnancy, period pains) but it dont really matter what sex u r, its more about how u enjoy ur life :)
Reply:Male : Coz I%26#039;m a Male

For me the jury is still out concerning rebirth/reincarnation. If this is truly the way things are, then I%26#039;d much, much rather NOT come back at all. If I have to come back under the present state of society, it would of course be much more advantageous to come as a man.

There are both elements of female and male in all of us. some of which I admire and some of which I deplore, but this is what we are: human beings. I%26#039;d like to see humanity change towards being less greedy and selfish, and less aggressive.

(For reference, I am a 52 year old female)
Reply:I am who I am and in the transformation I will be spirit and not flesh.
Reply:i would like to be a mail next birth.
Reply:Im happy being a female but id like t be reborn as a male, it wouldn%26#039;t take as long to get ready (as long as i wasn%26#039;t a girly boy) I wouldnt have to shave, pluck my eyebrows, get washed as much (joke), experience child birth, put up with bitching, have periods which comes inconvieniently and with pain, i could do what guys do and have sex with anyone i wanted without being called a slag (not that i do that anyway lol and maybe i wouldnt do that as a guy but at least the option is there) and it wouldn%26#039;t cost as much to have my hair done :D

is that enough reasons? :D lol

Hmm... God was a bloke :S

And women moan too much hehe
Reply:I%26#039;d rather be a bloke, in all honesty. Don%26#039;t get me wrong- I like be a girl and all. Actually I HATE BEING A GIRL! I feel uncomfortable all the time, like I%26#039;m a wrong gender. I feel like a guy who%26#039;s been trapped in the body of a girl.
Reply:For a change, as a male.

As a female, I have encountered discriminations and double standards in my country.

Health-wise, I%26#039;ve had problems with pregnancies and childbirth, with my breast and cervix, and hormone imbalance. Have to deal with yeast infection.

Women also age faster.

And do not achieve orgasms as easy as men.
Reply:How i wish to be a male.Just for comparisson....
Reply:I%26#039;m shocked so many ladies want to come back as a man.Yes,it is harder in life being a woman,but I love being a woman and would never want to be a man.Being a woman I feel is a far richer experience than being a man ever could be.

know devil is better then unknown devil

World without money?what will the world be right now?

what will happen if money isn%26#039;t invented?

all people don%26#039;t have money?

what will happen?
World without money?what will the world be right now?
Star Trek Life
World without money?what will the world be right now?
bartering...have you heard about the barter system...when money was not yet invented...i%26#039;ll buy tomatoes from you and i%26#039;ll pay you with onions......
Reply:Even before money there has always been a system of trading based on values. I may trade you one of my chickens for one of your animal skins. Whether it is a barter (trading) system or shells and beads, there has always been a way to value the things that you have against the things that you want.
Reply:I think we%26#039;ll go back to the barter system, and the world will be a happier place to live... :)
Reply:Freedom. Money makes slaves out of everyone. The most powerful drug out there.
Reply:Money is a highly ritualized symbol of exchange. Where such ritual promises a supply of X for a supply of Y (the value for each of X and Y vary according to scarcity and demand). At one point in history, often located at or on the boundary between groups of inter-related individuals, %26quot;shrines%26quot; were erected and then visited first by one group and then by another. With each group depositing items valued by the other at said location. Mysteriously, the items would disappear. To answer the question directly, however, there cannot be a world without some form of a medium of exchange as the resources individuals need (for survival) or desire are unequally distributed.
Reply:Swapping or trading might be the way of a no money world
Reply:One really doesn%26#039;t need to imagine much because we have some pre-money human archeology. It%26#039;s called the Stone Age.

As soon as anything called Civilization occurs, money is present.

Bottom line. No money = No Civilization. Humans are roving tribes of hunter-gathers.

There is no %26#039;Star Trek%26#039; without money, because you can%26#039;t build a ship, much less a space ship if you have to barter for all the parts.

There are no tech collectives or corporations without money. So you can kiss goodbye ANYTHING you own that has a corporate label on it. Like Sony, Ford, Levi, Toyota, Haynes, Westinghouse, Edison, Tampex 鈥︹€?br>

Is the horror seeping through yet kiddies?

If not, why don%26#039;t you tell me how your mom%26#039;s going to pay the plumber?
Reply:Everyone on Earth will be miserable.

The barter system is back breaking. Imagine taking 50 Kilogram of one item to exchange for 10KG of another item.

Imagine your employer paying you 10000KG of apples. Imagine taking 500 goats to IRS to pay taxes.

Money is invented for a good reason.

PS: If Money is the root of all evil, then religious group that take your money is the most evil institution on Earth.
Reply:%26quot;what will the world be right now?%26quot;-- Trading cows in hopes for magic Beans

It would be wrong, to conclude that we should condemns money itself or any of its basic uses. Money provides a practical defense against poverty and its attendant troubles, enabling people to procure necessities. Bartering was made easier this way. How would you like to carry your corn everywhere you went?

Rather It may be money, status, power, or related things. It is possible to be greedy for anything that can be acquired. The idea is that having that thing will make us content. Money has become like that to many.

What will happen you ask? We will start again by examining people%26#039;s attitude--I doubt it will change much of anything -many people will still be greedy, search for status or power, act selfishly-looking for a happiness they will never truly find. Or act like they found it.

Some people know what is really important. Not only know it but live it to bring what is more important and truly satisfying into their lives. Rather money is there or not. That will not change. But that is a hard task for many.

They only thing that will change that I see - might be you have to carry a bigger load around.

A very British Fascist State.....?

There seems to be an attempt to destroy the freedom of the public in the UK. How do you feel about this and at what point do we need to stand against it?

1 cctv camera to every 14 people.

local government and organisations given the right to bug homes.

The right to strike without being sacked taken away.

Politicians exempt from the freedom of information act and obtaining 拢1000%26#039;s by expenses deception but without being prosecuted.

All politicial parties offering the same polices - creating a state without democratic choice.

All parties seeking an end to human rights.

Legislation against religion. Legislation to imprison people without charge.

Legislation to prevent peaceful protest anywhere near Parliament.

Attempts to destroy the monarchy. Increased Imperialism and complicity between Government and corporations.

Fear manipulation by lack of policing and early release scheme for serious offenders.

I just wonder how you feel about this?
A very British Fascist State.....?
If people spoke to each other more, it%26#039;d help matters. When people are isolated, are scared of or don%26#039;t trust each other THATS when bad things start to happen...

Always remember, theres more of us than them...
A very British Fascist State.....?
Yes, but unlike a fascist state we have the democratic right to vote the labour government out of office. Unfortunately morons keep voting them back in.
Reply:Its a joke, the country isnt for the people its for the government. Funny though how when we are watched constantly by cctv they never seem to see the serious crimes??? I think this country is going down the toilet and it is no suprise people are leaving on a larger scale than ever before. People are working 24/7 for no rewards even the most hard working people cant afford to pay their bills, it seems like the government are sucking the fun and the life out of people....... This country has the ability to be really fantastic if only the government were less interested in lining their own pockets.
Reply:It will be a police run state very soon, we have lost all of our freedom
Reply:These are all very different issues, so to take them one at a time:

1. cctv camera to every 14 people: yes, this is a serious issue. it%26#039;s the sort of the thing that could be abused by a police / fascist state - but it doesn%26#039;t necessarily mean it will be. on the other hand, it%26#039;s also a useful tool for our protection. i think it%26#039;s the sort of thing we need to keep a careful eye on, without necessarily doing away with it altogether - maybe overall control of the cctv system should be placed in the hands of an independent body, separate from the state and the police.

2. local government and organisations given the right to bug home: same comments as (1).

3. The right to strike without being sacked taken away: also a serious issue, but the trade unions have only themselves to blame. in the past they%26#039;ve really taken the p!ss by abusing their right to strike.

4. Politicians exempt from the freedom of information act and obtaining 拢1000%26#039;s by expenses deception but without being prosecuted: are they? true, they do find ways around it, but you must bear in mind that the FoI act and declaration of expenses are recent innovations. Undoubtedly they%26#039;re not perfect yet. Maybe we should treat them as %26quot;works in progress%26quot; and try to refine them until they do work properly.

You must also bear in mind that government corruption has existed as long as governments. It%26#039;s my belief that it%26#039;s nowhere near as bad as it used to be - we just hear about it more.

5. All politicial parties offering the same polices - creating a state without democratic choice: I don%26#039;t think that%26#039;s true at all, they do have some variation in policies. The problem is we have - effectively - a two party system. Unfortunately, it costs vast sums of money to enter a governmental election, not just in deposit but in campaigning costs, which restricts individuals from putting themselves forward or even setting up new parties.

We could do with a new system which makes it easier for those with more radical views to enter elections - but such a system would be open to huge amounts of abuse by silly people putting themselves forward.

I agree, it%26#039;s not perfect, and we must try to find a better way, but it%26#039;s difficult to see what. Maybe the subject of a separate question... and it could be worse, we could be living in the USA, where you have a choice between right and far right.

6. All parties seeking an end to human rights: same comments as (4). The Human Rights Act is a recent innovation, which isn%26#039;t perfect yet, but is a step in the right direction and needs tweaking.

7. Legislation against religion: where? I%26#039;ve not heard of any. Please give examples.

8. Legislation to imprison people without charge: now, here you have a good point. This is total abuse of power.

9. Legislation to prevent peaceful protest anywhere near Parliament: also a total abuse of power.

10. Attempts to destroy the monarchy: if we lived in a state where we couldn%26#039;t protest against the monarchy, then we would be living in a totalitarian state, so i must completely disagree with you on this one.

11. Increased imperialism: which century are you living in? The empire was dismantled in the middle of the last century.

12. complicity between Government and corporations: this has been going on forever as well, and again it%26#039;s my belief that it%26#039;s nowhere near as bad as it used to be - we have far more regulation %26amp; bodies (eg the Financial Services Authority, various ombudsmen, Ofcom, Oftel, etc) to counter this than we used to.

13. Fear manipulation by lack of policing and early release scheme for serious offenders: now I think you%26#039;re just being paranoid, I%26#039;m afraid. The reasons for these are mainly financial %26amp; social. Social changes in the 20th Century led to us all having increased expectations of life, and hence greater unrest when those expectations aren%26#039;t met. As unrest increases, it requires greater financial resources to counter them - ie more police %26amp; more prisons. (But if we had these, would you use them as more evidence of a fascist state? So the state can%26#039;t win!!)

However, this would require increased taxes, which governments can%26#039;t do or else they%26#039;ll be quickly voted out. Again, they can%26#039;t win.

The only solution is to address the underlying social problems, but this would require long-term solutions - over 20 years or more. Again, governments are in a bind over this, as Britain has been conditioned to expect %26quot;quick fix%26quot; solutions, which in this case just aren%26#039;t possible.

In summary, I think you have some very good points - but I also believe that things are better than they could be, better than they were, and better than you give them credit for. We do have a lot of things to be worried over - the cctv example, for instance - but with the proper care and attention they needn%26#039;t develop into actual problems.
Reply:This country is a soft-touch. The CCTV camera%26#039;s are there to monitor whether or not white British citizens are being good to the minorities, Labour government should all be hung, drawn and quartered, same to the Tories, either BNP or UKIP should be in power. There%26#039;s nothing for the REAL British citizens here. There%26#039;s nothing left for me, so I wont be around much longer to see this country sink to new depths. I%26#039;m gonna move to a different country, either Holland or Canada.
Reply:Personally, I feel the same way you do about this. We should already be standing against it, but most people seem to be content with being controlled like this, otherwise they wouldn%26#039;t keep voting Labour back into power. One thing I%26#039;m particularly angry about is the ID card system the government are going to introduce. They are going to create a detailed database of every person over 16 and we may all have to carry cards with detailed personal information. I think that the UK is steadily becoming more and more Orwellian, and it can%26#039;t be prevented unless the public make a strong stand against it.
Reply:It%26#039;s probably too late already. I left 12 years ago and never regretted it. I have lived under a so-called communist government for the past three years and have never felt such personal freedom; no stupid, pointless regulations such as those from Brussels.
Reply:The erosion started years ago , it has always been a questionable society as regards rights , there is an urgency at this time to push more draconian laws and %26quot; situations %26quot; against the individual through . It has lead towards a bitter state with exclusion becoming the norm a hierarchy of yes men and manipulated people , much publicity towards schemes that are not supported giving the illusion by the press that all is positive , leads to further insecurity . Many people look toward leaving which further undermines the society localand national , come the revolution .
Reply:And this is supposed to be a socialist government?

I think it%26#039;s time that George Orwell%26#039;s 1984 should be compulsory reading. CCTV should monitor all people who haven%26#039;t read it and punish all those who refuse to read it.

Now how%26#039;s that for fascism? An idea for Cameron?

It seems to me that Labour is moving to the %26#039;Right%26#039; and the Tory party is moving to the %26#039;Left%26#039;. Except, as normal. the Tory party has not said how they are going to finance their %26#039;BIG Ideas%26#039;.
Reply:makes me angry then depressed as how can we change it?-Change/freedom has to be taken -its rarely given-I feel anarchy is actually the only answer
Reply:Wow! That is quite a list of points. And we in the US are facing similar issues today. In fact, under the current administration some of these losses are being, and have been, widely debated in the courts and in other forums. While the loss of any single freedom is monstrous, during some historical periods similar actions have been taken. Although a few of the above predate 2001, others have been called forth, and were specifically designed, to correlate with the war effort. [Of course, many will remain in place once hostilities cease but some will likely be overturned by public appeal. And if they are not, one or two will be so as to appease public sentiment. While the rest will become the basis for newly enacted laws.] The current administration has evoked such specter (of fear) whenever support was required for whatever goofy policy was being pandered to the masses. It has always been the case, however, that any leader no matter how attractive to the public, has more in common with his/her political opponents than with any segment of the polity. And in this time of the %26quot;legal-rational%26quot; leader (ideal) typology, a strong association with corporations is to be expected. Thus, any laws enacted heretofore, appear to be corporately sponsored. As everyone is aware, the law is a flexible entity. What is acceptable today may not be tomorrow. As such, one should keep a weather eye on both the judges and the barristers.

Additionally, whenever a significant conflict exists in the world a warrior group is called forth. Such group is usually comprised of the less advantaged classes. Therefore, in the homeland troubles may erupt between these individuals and the other classes. When warriors are created they cannot be %26quot;just shut off%26quot; once the conflict begins to mollify. Therefore, some of these changes in decrees are a result of efforts to protect the communities and peoples residing near the sources of potential problems.

Finally, significant alterations of the law and the associated loss of personal freedoms are highly correlated with the merger of disparate ideologies. That is, the %26quot;new world order%26quot; is being effected as we speak. Such changes pave the way for the softening of hostilities between the warring factions and the unification of cultures. This combination has been deemed desirable and productive based upon the natural behavior of mankind over time.

Therefore, while we may not appreciate such perceived losses at this point in time, some of these changes will be of benefit to us and others in the long term and some will actually have a negligible effect.
Reply:**** religion thats another insitiue that cripples human beings int he sense they controll!!!!
Reply:%26quot;All parties seeking an end to human rights.

Legislation against religion. Legislation to imprison people without charge.%26quot;

I don%26#039;t think these are true. Most, if not all parties are trying to promote human rights (publicly at least). As is stands, there is practically no violation of human rights in the UK.

There has certainly been no legislation to restrict the established church or to my knowledge any other faith. In fact, 2/3 of all new state funded schools planned will be faith schools that will not be regulated by the national curriculum.

These aside, I do think that the government is gradually becoming more authoritarian, and deals with large industries (including churches) will eventually make every aspect of our lives under State control.
Reply:Ask the Danes politely if they%26#039;d care to float over to intervene.

If not on your behalf then it would be close enough to suit your purposes. How you get the Danes out again is probably one muddle all England can %26#039;geld%26#039; away.